Summer reading- it isn’t just for school.
Remember when you signed up for your first honors English class and suddenly regretted it because there was a summer reading list?
I do.
Back in high school, I didn’t come close to finishing all of the assigned books, whether it was summertime or not. I wasn’t as much of a reader as I am now. (Thank God that has changed!)
I had a request (so exiting!) here on HeyLouWrites to give out a suggested summer reading list to YOU… from LOU. Of course, I was game.
each week I’ll tell you which books to read, why you should read them, and give you just enough of a scoop about them to give you a hint as to whether or not you’re interested. Personally, I think you should give every book a try.
Because why not?
After all, I won’t be grading you on this. There is no deadline. No weekly quiz, no final exam. And you won’t be called on to read out loud.
How much more could you want? :)
Every Sunday this summer I’ll give you two reading suggestions, as well as the book I’m currently reading. My own personal goal is to read at least one book a week. YAY
Ready? Okay. Let’s get reading.
Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk
“A girl calls and asks, “Does it hurt very much to die?”
“Well, sweetheart,” I tell her, “yes, but it hurts a lot more to keep living.”
This book is not for the faint of heart. It’s crude, sexual, violent, rude, inappropriate…but most importantly… awesome.
Yes, this offensive book is a page turner from page 1. (Or should I say… page 289?)
Tender Branson grew up in a cult. He knows he’s ugly, and he is terrified of sex. Terrified. He urges people to end their lives, something he has contemplated doing a lot lately.
“…the only difference between suicide and martyrdom is press coverage.”
In true Palahniuk style, which, to be honest, I can’t handle every time, this book will outrage you and surprise you. But I guarantee you will like something about good ol’ Tender.
The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery
“The real ordeal is not leaving those you love but learning to live without those who don’t love you.”
Someone once told me they couldn’t finish this book because the main character was too pretentious.
I said that was precisely why I couldn’t put it down.
When I bought the book, the guy at the book store said, “Okay, it’s amazing. Just be prepared to face the fact that you will never be as smart as the main character. Like ever.” I took his word for it and started reading in my car. (while it was parked- I get sick if I read in a moving vehicle. which is a total bummer.)
The Elegance of the Hedgehog does something I love … it shows the growth and change of a person, all within a few hundred pages. Renee is a simple concierge in a fancy hotel. People treat her like crap all day long because she must answer when they call. But in reality? She is way smarter. She knows more about everything, and she often finds grammar mistakes in the snobby notes the rich people leave her.
For anyone who loves grammar, this book will make you laugh out loud.
And for anyone with a heart, this book will make you bawl your eyes out.
I didn’t think I would. Sure, I liked Renee and the other protagonist, Paloma (a young girl who wants to burn her apartment complex down), by the end, but I wasn’t aware of how attached I’d grown until the last page.
Find out who you are, what you believe in, how well your grammar skills truly are, and why your family is probably normal, compared to most.
“Personally I think that grammar is a way to attain beauty.”
You will soon understand how a hedgehog could be elegant.
Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
I LOVED The Time Traveler’s Wife. I can’t wait to get this book and read it. Niffenegger won’t let me down, I can already tell. I mean, look at that amazing title! Isn’t it just lovely?
Next week I’ll tell you how it was.
Now get reading!!! Let me know if you pick up any of these books this week, if you’ve already read them, and then, of course, what you think once you’ve read them.
Can’t wait!
Love, Lou
Filed under: Books, summer reading Tagged: books, quotes, reading, summer