#9 in my 20 Things Every Woman Should Ask Herself series…. and here is the roughest question yet.
#9 What is my superpower?
It’s like an evaluation at work or at school. You rate yourself from 1-5 and you wonder… what is it I’m actually good at? Some people have done tests to know their strengths. Some know where they land on the Meyer’s Briggs test. I know that I’m an ENFP, but do I know my superpower? (I once joked: Can I add to my resume that I never quit a job without first having a new one?)
Now, given that I’m a person who loves change, thrives on new beginnings, and often longs for differences in my day to day life, it’s hard to pinpoint my strengths.
Sometimes I think my strength is that I can cry when I need to.
Sometimes I think my strength is that I’m wired to be social and thrive on communication and community.
Every once in a while I think I’m really good at remaining calm and laid back no matter what. Ha! Then reality hits and I realize that my armpits get sweaty real fast.
Other times, I think my “superpower” is that I can be totally independent. Then I look around and remember how much I really do love having the support of a partner. Does that make me less of a strong woman? No. It doesn’t.
So when I truly stop to think, and ponder what it is I do daily, I suppose my power lies in God. And perhaps my superpower at the moment is prayer. I’ve had some prayers lately that really mattered. They mattered to others more than they mattered to me. And they came true.
God answered my prayers fully, and seemed to say, “You asked for things to be okay. I’ll show you okay. I’ll make things great.”
Therefore, my superpower really has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with God and his amazing power and glory. I’m learning to rely on Him more and more. I feel as though I’m becoming what I always heard referred to as a “prayer warrior.”
When I first started going back to church and building my faith back up, I almost totally relied on OTHERS to pray for me. I’d call my mom and say, “Please get that prayer group at church on this!” I’d text friends and say, “Please pray for ____.” Now, I still do this. But along with that, I pray more on my own.
I pray all day long sometimes, it seems. I have learned that God is listening. He’s been right by my side all along and takes everything bad — turning it into good. I also joke often that “everything always turns out okay for me.”
I’ve been through some rough patches in life and it’s true: no matter how bad things get, I always land on my feet. This is because of my support network of friends and family, but sometimes I also feel like I have extra support, and for a while I didn’t know what to call it. I now KNOW that it’s the Holy Spirit wrapping around me like a bubble. I’ve prayed for that same “bubble” to wrap around my step kids, around my husband, and around our home. I hope and pray (and try to believe) that everything will continue to turn out okay. Not because I’m me, but because God is God.
So, thanks for the superpower, God. It’s really all about You. I can’t really do anything great on my own.
Lou (who sometimes has to wear sunglasses in order to feel powerful ;) )
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