Blog Everyday in May Challenge
Day 7: The thing(s) you’re most afraid of
The Old Chicken Lady
By Melinda Wilder
there once was an old lady
who at one time was not so old
she had check marks on all the right boxes
then decided to go where it was awfully cold
she found she loved chickens
more than domesticated pets
she made them her children (the way people do!)
she decided to leave no room for regrets
but it meant setting out
to a place all alone
and to this day she wonders…
wonders down to her frail bones
the “when I’m 80″ test
is now long past
and chickens surround her
and the years are passing fast
so go it alone, don’t be afraid
but know you might wind up just like this
an old chicken lady, wrinkled and lonely
and knowing all the check marks you actually missed
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